Creating goals, devising a plan, and executing the steps necessary to reach the end goal are 3 pieces to a puzzle that many don't understand have to be linked together in order to achieve success. It is overemphasized, but necessary to write everything down. Did you get that? WRITE IT DOWN! Whether on paper or in a text document, if it's not written, the odds are against it coming to fruition. Trust me on this!
Taking the lead, I have two main goals for 2014, 1. Build a Butt! Yes, I'm lucky enough to have my father's ass so I will be lifting and shaping my ass (think Beyonce) over the next several months, while building more muscle in all areas. However, the main focus is my ass. 2. Reach my specific monthly income as a freelance writer by the end of the summer.
To achieve these goals I am using the tried and true method of S.M.A.R.T. If you're not familiar, click the highlighted link or do your own Google search. I will be posting in Bubblews what each of these steps are for both of my goals. Hopefully, you will see them as useful and inspiring to get you to YOUR goals.
As for the rest of this post, I just thought I would tell you a bit about my journey so far towards goal #1:
Just before the end of last year I joined the local gym. It's been quite sometime since I've worked out in a formal setting with real equipment, but the price was right and it's literally a 10 minute walk or a 5 minute drive away. There's no going most places around South Pasadena without going by the gym, so I can't use the lame excuse of proximity.
Body Dynamics is a relatively small gym, but it packs alot into it's moderately sized building unit. There's an open room for classes or self workouts on various equipment, such as the stability or bosu balls and mats for stretching. The other enclosed room is strictly for cycling classes.
What's most impressive about this gym is the main, open room. It's full of treadmills, stair steps and other cardio machines to one corner. Throughout the rest of this large area are a complete set of Nautilus machines, regular machines such as the Smith and the leg press and free weights.
Now I know this doesn't sound that great to some of you fitness moguls, but there's alot, ALOT, of shit packed in here! And they pack in the crowds too, but I've learned the best time of day to go is between 2 and 4 in the afternoon.
During the first month I took it slow, did a bunch of classes and some strength training, but nothing with much consistency. This month however, I have created my plan with the end goal in sight and find it comforting knowing that I have gained great knowledge over the years to achieve any fitness level that my body will accept.
I have created a strength training program to emphasize the work on the lower body. In only 2 sessions I have found that leg extensions and leg curls are not conducive to my back at this point (lumbar problems). So, instead, I have moved into glute lifts, leg presses and assorted lunge movements.
Overall, these last 6 weeks or so, body strength is being built working on pushups and planks, etc., while yoga is done for increasing flexibility and balance. This last is eye opening as I didn't realize how much balance I was lacking, but it comes back quickly with a bit of effort.
It's easy once you have a plan...go with the flow set out, be diligent and you will hit your target goal.