Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Darkness Falls, Show Me the Light!

Light, open spaces are what stirs my soul and keeps my mind clear. Surrounding elements of light, color, space, temperature and sound allow me to be creative, to thrive. When one of these is missing it's not that big of a deal. However, when more than one or all of these elements are missing then I literally sink into a funk, a sort of depression that can last for days or weeks.

Living on our boat for most of the last year and a half, Frank and I are definitely on different wavelengths when it comes to how we feel about these arrangements. As I was responding to a friend's post just this morning, I stated that it was like a light bulb coming on in my brain. Feeling mostly depressed over these last couple weeks, I thought that my problem was simply that boat living was wearing heavily. It's not.

Yes, when the weather is perfect I don't feel such heaviness, but even though my funk is partly weather driven (windy, rainy and chilly, ugh!), However, I realized it's my elements of content that are missing. This old, okay, very old boat is quite dark and cramped for everyday living. It's beautiful dark teak wood and small ports, or windows, give it a very foreboding feel. There are 3 hatches that can be opened to let in the light and fresh air, but if it's rainy they must be kept closed and covered or they will leak.

Speaking of leaks, there are several internal leaks that have caused mold to accumulate heavily. I have cleaned most of these areas, but there is one place in particular that the leak has caused serious damage that results in constant growth of this mold. This ceiling area is in need of replacing, but Frank is so busy with work and the actual job to fix this issue will be very dirty...we would have to move off the boat for about a week. I'm fine with this!

But as it is, I must leave the boat to work on my computer. If I continue to stay confined to the bowels of our boat on a daily basis I might have to commit harry carry! Other sure fire ways to keep me afloat until Frank and I can make other arrangements is to go to my group fitness sessions on a more regular basis. They are VERY exhilarating and mood lifting! Also, days that allow for Abby and I to do some exploring are perfect for keeping the bad mojo at bay!

Keeping to the light and following my needed elemental surrounding is a mode of survival. For some, as is for Frank, it’s comfortable being in surrounding that are less than enhancing for myself. Together as husband and wife, we will find a compromise that will be suitable for both our needs!

Isn’t it interesting how, at times, it’s another’s words or situation that allows for self-realization and clarity?

Thanks fellow blogger, Roy at for getting the light bulb to turn on!

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