Thursday, November 21, 2013

Bubbling With Bubblews...Is This The New Facebook?

Since finding Bubblews, I can't begin to express how excited about writing I am again...I am bubbling! When I first came across this site, I'm sure someone mentioned it somewhere, but I'll be damned if i remember, I was quite skeptical.

Their opening video, you know the ones, that you can choose to skip and go directly to the site, was kinda corny, but I liked it.
The NEW opening video is pretty awesome, check it out:  Bubblews Intro Video if the vid below doesn't seem to be working.

  5 minutes long, but I liked it enough to watch it all the way through!

So what is Bubblews? (if you haven't already checked out the site) It is THE new Facebook, as far as I'm concerned. It is social media. It is a writing platform. It pays YOU! As Bubblews states, the philosophy is the creation of "...a patent pending system that enables our users to enjoy our community (without a cost) and share in the ad revenue growth."
They employ a revenue model that simply splits it with you 50/50. According to Bubblews site, "You will get paid for every view, comment, like/dislike and social media share that your posts gather."
Granted, it is not as fancy as Facebook, but it's really more like posting on a blog. The cool thing is the minimum you MUST write in each post is 400 characters. That's right! I said 400 characters, not 400 words. That's just plain easy peasy!!

Some will abuse this minimum, taking the Facebook chatter you see so often to this paid venue. I just skip over those or, if they become to obnoxious, just disconnect (that's 'un-friend' in FacebookSpeak).

You can use photos, one or several, you can link to other sites (just NO referral links) and the connections are great. Well, mostly. It's not like Facebook in that you really don't know build in blogging. There are many people that were not your friends until you connected through writing.

And I love, LOVE, the Bubblews-Speak:  Happy bubbling, bubble on, keep bubbling, bubblers, don't burst my bubble, etc.

I love the freedom to write what I like. Yeah, they gots rules! But, hell, doesn't everybody??

"Write Your World. Speak Freely. Join the movement. The time of not sharing revenue with the very people who create your content is OVER!" Bubblews

Bubbling With Bubblews
Finally, You Can Take Your Writing To Another Level! Fly Free (and get paid)

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

It Begins Again

When you think all hope is gone for the chance of spending the rest of your life with someone, it happens...the hope is renewed and love begins again.

Though I went in search of a mate almost immediately after my ex-husband asked for a divorce, I didn't think it possible that I would find the perfect one so soon. Don't be mistaken, I didn't think we would ever get married until, two and a half years later, he proposed. Well, in his way. I believe the exact words were, "So, I think we should talk about getting married." I said okay and the next day he says we should think about getting me a ring. I said, "Were you actually going to propose?" And he said, "I thought I did!"

So there it is and 2 1/2 months later we married, 10/12/13!

We wrote our own vows and they were perfect. Even though we did not know what each other wrote until that day, we each had written about being in search of the other for so long. I would love to share some of the words with you here, but I must get my husband's, Frank's, permission. They are personal so it would only be fair, right?

Let's just say his began with, "Hey, where have you been? I've needed you for such a very long time." And mine began with, "Oh, my love. I have waited...waited for this moment the whole of my life."

I thought that was so romantic that we had both come to this point of being together after looking for such a long time!

Even the preacher began his sermon with, "To this point they have each walked a path fraught with trials and testings that has brought them to this confluence of love and understanding."

All of our words, mine, Frank's and the preachers flowed so well together even though none had knowledge of what the other wrote. Wait. No. That's not right...the preacher had our vows in advance and wrote accordingly. Ah well! It's still a good story and all did go together perfectly.

The ceremony was awesome! Frank and I planned a couple antics that really threw our guests (and the best man) for a loop. Stay tuned for that post soon including video clips!

Next in this little mini-series:  More On The Nups